Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Ladies Finger Curry (Sambar) - Vegetarian Food

Dear Reader,

I have been asked to write some more articles on the vegetarian food. I am not a full time chef, but I can manage cooking pretty decently that you can eat and enjoy too. (and sure you will like it too).

I start with making a simple recipe, hardly takes 20 minutes to prepare using Ladies Finger (வெண்டி காய் – in tamil (pronounced as venti kaay. bhinti or Okra in Hindi) . I wrote about the benefits of Ladies Finger in my earlier blog.

The food we are going to prepare is ladies finger sambar (or curry). Hopefully, I will try to write about different sambar too in future.

1 pack - Frozen ladies finger (if you can get the fresh one would be great)
1 cut onion (use the onion used in salad (the big ones not the small)lengthwise
2 chopped tomato
1 cup - Tamarind water taken from a lemon
Some mustard seeds
Urud dal and curry leaves
3\4 tsp sambar powder or
2 tsp chilli powder
2 sp corrainder powder
Salt to taste
2 tbsp oil

First, remove the head (the stem connects with the plant) from the Ladies Finger. Cut them into small pieces(say 2 cm to 3cm each on circular fashion). Heat the pan, Just add the Ladies Finger. This is very important – kind of secret, this removes the stickiness in the Ladies Finger. Just keep on roasting until you see there is no more water substance or stickiness in the vegetable.

2. Heat the pan. Add oil, mustard seeds, urad dal, curry leaves and onion.
2. Fry till they turn light brown.
3. Add the tomato and fry for 2 minutes.
4. Add tamarind water and Sambar powder and salt. Boil for 5 minutes.
4. Add cut ladies finger and cook till done.

That’s it.

Please try and let me comments.

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